Monday, May 17, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

what is the water cycle:

The water cycle is the earth's natural cycle to clean and replace the water. When the sun heats up the water it turns into water molocules that condense in the atmosphere to form clouds one there is to much water in the clouds we get precipitation that come yo us in forms such as rain hail snow and sleet

Thursday, May 6, 2010

precipitation graph

This is a graph displaying the yearly rain fall for the United States.

Question 3:
Where does the water cycle take place:
 The water cycle happens a of the world but mostly i the more humid regions of the earth such as central America and south America such as brazil in the amazon rain forest.

Question 2:
How does water cycle work:
 As the sun heats up the water in a like ocean or other body of water the water starts to turn into water vapor and evaporate. One in the atmosphere the water molecules start to condense and form clouds. As more water is collected in the clouds the clouds become heavier so the point water falls from the clouds as precipitation which can be in any form such as rain sleet snow and hail. The water from there s collected in ponds lakes streams and underground aquifiers and from there is is done all over again.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A water cycle diagram and experiment.

A quick way to do a water cycle experiment.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Water Cycle Q&A

Question 1:
What is the water cycle:
 The water cycle is the earth's natural cycle for filtering and reusing the earth's water. It is a short process that makes water a renewable resource.